15 min, HD, color, digital video, 2012

Along a stretch of America’s northern transcontinental railroad, Andrew and Cody hop freight trains and dream of their ex-girlfriends. Not much has changed since the hoboes of the 30’s: Andrew and Cody seem to be re-enacting the adventures that Woody Guthrie elevated to myth. When they stop in a small town in Montana near the Canadian border, their conversations start to reflect an entanglement of love, relationships, and solitude. But Andrew and Cody don’t stop for long and soon head back to the rails. They have all they need: their dogs and a 24-pack of PBR. With a focus on quotidian routines, COW TRAILS OR THE MOON shares both the exhilarating and banal experiences of wandering by following two traveler kids as they run away from loneliness and into the sunset.

Recorded, produced, and edited by Abby Sun 

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